Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay
Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay
The SEDCERO Program was created in 2013 as a network of social actors, collectives, and public and private institutions aimed at generating regional-scale strategies and local initiatives aimed at contributing to and guaranteeing the human right to water for consumption and sanitation, as well as water for production and for ecosystems in Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay, with special emphasis on the Gran Chaco Americano region. For its praxis, the theoretical-political perspective promoted by RedTISA called “strategic planning of social technological systems” was adopted.
Likewise, it has generated numerous milestones in training (learning routes, courses, events), territorial intervention (various methodologies were developed in the territory and more than 30,000 people accessed solutions), research (academic articles, the virtual tool of the Water Platform, etc.) and the impact on public policies (participation in national and provincial policy instances, promotion of the Latin American Coalition for Rural Sanitation and Water, the first Open Government Objective in Water and Sanitation of the Argentine National Government, among others).