From the Gender, Society and Policies area of FLACSO Argentina, we have been working since 2016 in alliance with Fundación Gran Chaco to strengthen digital inclusion processes in the communities of the Argentine Gran Chaco. These are training programs for trainers for processes aimed at the strategic appropriation of ICTs. The NANUM centers are connectivity points, managed, for the most part, by associations of indigenous Wichí, Qom, Qomlec and Pilagá artisan women located in the provinces of Formosa, Chaco, Salta, Jujuy and Santiago del Estero.
This alliance includes the facilitation of co-design processes with the communities, the systematization of an intercultural training program based on competencies, the training of ICT facilitators from a gender and intersectional perspective and Participatory Action Research seeking that the appropriation of these technologies will strengthen women’s trajectories towards greater equality in the territories.
Given the digital gender gaps in rural and indigenous populations of the Argentine Gran Chaco, strengthening local actors in the use and strategic appropriation of ICTs for their communities is key to the equitable development of the region.