The Barreiro Fechado community in Piauí suffered from saline water until it began to experiment with biosaline agriculture, which consists of growing tolerant plants, using water with a high salt content in environments that already suffer from salinity problems. In this way, good quality water resources are conserved and used for other purposes, as well as benefiting the sustainable development of these areas.
The Barreiro Fechado Biosaline Agriculture Demonstration Unit is a learning-in-practice initiative that combines integrated actions for the production of drinking water; tilapia production; forage production under irrigation; and animal feeding with hay from biosaline agriculture. The experience was implemented from 2018 to 2021 by the Viva Semiárido Program in conjunction with the Água Doce Program of the Ministry of the Environment and the State of Piauí, with funding from the International Fund for Agricultural Development – IFAD, and carried out by EMATER and the families of the community.